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Capitol Lakes Foundation

Your Input Matters

We appreciate the many residents and supporters who replied to the questionnaire we sent last July. Your input helps us focus our work and communicate with you more effectively. Below is a snapshot of your priorities as well as some of the positive comments we received.

How has the Foundation positively impacted your life or the life of someone you love?

"Dad has benefitted from reliable care, support, and enrichment during his years at Capitol Lakes."

"Providing relief from maintenance of a house, support as needed, and freedom and stimulation to pursue personal interests in addition to easy ways to socialize with compatible people.  On top of that, a richly varied entertaining programs and appealing food."

"We enjoy being a part of this warm, caring community."

"Capitol Lakes is our security blanket.  We have no worries regarding our future.  In addition to guaranteed room & board, our lives are enriched through friendships, activities, and staff that exceed expectations with regard to accommodating our varied needs.  Our golden years at Capitol Lakes could not be better."

"Capitol Lakes gives me a sense of security no matter what happens to me in the future. I am actively involved in committees and enjoy the warm water pool as well as evening programs.  I appreciate the friendly staff and other residents."

"It allows us to live in the downtown Madison community where we can walk to entertainment, personal care needs, restaurants, and other social events."

"We appreciate the strong sense of community among residents and staff."

"Gives both me and family members peace of mind.  It’s reassuring to know I have a positive environment that will provide needed support."

"A welcoming new place to grow old."

"There are countless ways Capitol Lakes has impacted our quality of life.  Ease of living – range of interesting activities – wonderful staff – location – range of services – secure surroundings – and good food."

"The ease of using the Fitness Center enhances my physical sense of well-being.  The community spirit among the residents is heart-warming."

-when I fell in my apartment, being able to just push a button for help

-going to exercise classes on premises

-getting rides to appointments now that I have no car

-having opportunities to go to special places and events

-having live concerts and recitals!

-good food and great staff


~ Provided a safe and comfortable physical environment

~ Provided transportation to medical appointments and local stores

~ Provided high level entertainment in the evening

~ Arranged for inoculations

~ Support in medical emergencies

~ Social life


 ~ Makes wellness a priority because I don’t have to drive to class

~ Don’t have to clean or cook unless I want to

~ Provides entertainment

~ Provides built in friendships


"When one of us was ill, everyone was quite responsive and thoughtful in ways that were not artificial."


~ Rehab Dept. has helped me recover – also called ambulance when needed

~ Provided delicious meals and reception hors d’voeuvres

~ Provided helpful, positive staff

~ Provided a place I call home, and can be proud to show others how great a retirement home can be!


"Giving us a way to entertain friends and family at our excellent Seasons and Henry St. Café, without having to cook a meal ourselves and not being ashamed of the menu and meals offered every week and every day."



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