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Enjoying a ‘Second Summer’ at Brittingham Park

Capitol Lakes Foundation

In late September when it became clear that southern Wisconsin would enjoy a few weeks of a ‘second summer’, the team at Capitol Lakes came together to take advantage of these bonus summer-like days. In less than a week Capitol Lakes’ Chaplain, Guta Cvetkovic, as well as Program Manager, Lisa Olson, and Wellness Center Manager, Emily Ingalls, pulled together an outing at Brittingham Park for interested residents.

“If you’ve lived in Wisconsin long you know not to take for granted any nice days, but especially those in the fall,” says Cvetkovic. “When I saw the weather report for the last week of September I knew it might be our last chance to get outside together.”

Once at Brittingham residents were able to enjoy rides on the rickshaw – purchased by the Capitol Lakes Foundation in 2016. Always eager to support the Cycling without Age program, your Capitol Lakes Foundation also provided lunch for all participating residents.

“Riding in the rickshaw is such a fun way to see the world,” recounts Capitol Lakes’ resident Penny Fitzgerald. “The ride and picnic was wonderful. A great way to spend an afternoon with friends and neighbors from Capitol Lakes.”

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