On behalf of the Capitol Lakes Foundation Board of Directors as well as residents and staff, we want to extend a sincere thank you to Don Snyder.
Don has served on the Capitol Lakes Foundation Board since 2014 and has served as Secretary since 2018. His term ended on September 30th and his presence on the Board will truly be missed. Over his tenure Don has helped streamline and professionalize the Foundation’s processes, was active in recruiting other excellent Board Directors, and has worked tirelessly on programs to support our staff. He certainly leaves a significant legacy and we are all grateful for his leadership and service to Capitol Lakes.
While Don’s term is ending, we are grateful for his willingness to continue to serve on the Foundation’s Finance Committee. His continued involvement will certainly have a significant, positive impact on the Foundation in the years to come.
Thank you, Don, for all you’ve done and all you will continue to do to enhance the living experience at Capitol Lakes. As the plaque he received states:
In appreciation for
Donald E. Snyder
For outstanding service to
Capitol Lakes Foundation Board
2014 - 2020