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A Journey Toward Understanding: Michelle Cloud Lecture

Capitol Lakes Foundation

Thanks to your generous donations, the Capitol Lakes Foundation is able to support events, lectures, and learning opportunities for our residents.  This fall, at the request of the resident-led Spirituality of Aging Initiative, your gifts allowed us to sponsor a lecture given by Michelle Cloud.  Michelle, an enrolled member of the Ho-Chunk Nation and Principal Investigator for the UW-Madison Indigenous Arts and Sciences program, spoke with over 60 residents about their interest in land acknowledgment.  Land acknowledgment is a way to formally recognize the Indigenous peoples who were the original stewards of this land.

Michelle’s remarks emphasized that land acknowledgment is a journey and first we must all do the hard work of understanding and respecting Ho-Chunk history as well as the history of all Indigenous peoples.  Michelle discussed Ho-Chunk cultural traditions and norms that focus on the connection between Ho-Chunk people and our natural world. She related that as the original stewards of this land, the Ho-Chunk people have relied on their sacred language, rich oral history and native approach to learning to demonstrate their understanding, care, and commitment to Grandmother Earth.

Thanks to you, residents were able to take the first steps on a road to understanding that they feel is critically important to travel. 

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