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Cycling without Age: Making the Impossible, Possible

Capitol Lakes Foundation

Updated: Jan 30

Professor Chuck Casey has been a faculty member of the Department of Chemistry at UW-Madison since 1968.  He was there in 2000 when the Chemistry Department found a new home in Shain Tower.  A photo from that time shows him leading then Governor Tommy Thompson through the building.

24 years later, Chuck and his wife Martha found themselves living at Capitol Lakes – only about a mile away from the building where Chuck spent most of his career.  And while they were close, when Chuck told Martha that he wanted to visit Shain Tower his mobility issues made the request seem out of reach.

But thanks to the support of donors like you, the Capitol Lakes Foundation was able to purchase and maintain a rickshaw that allowed Professor Casey to realize his wish.  On a sunny day, Martha and Chuck set off for Shain Tower on the rickshaw driven by Wellness Center staff member, Logan Keleny.  Logan biked them up Mills Street and through UW-Madison’s campus to visit this building that held so much meaning for Chuck.  Afterward, Logan took a different route home biking Chuck and Martha up State Street.  Recounts Martha:

“Chuck was really, really happy to do this.  The picture doesn’t do justice to how much he enjoyed the day.  I was grateful I could help him get to Shain Tower but for me, biking down State Street was particularly fun!”

Thanks to you, Professor Casey is just one of countless residents we’ve helped connect with places around the Madison area that hold special meaning for them.  Your support truly does enhance the living experience – by making the impossible, possible.

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