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Looking to the Future: Introducing Young People to Careers that Benefit a Geriatric Population

YOUR Capitol Lakes Foundation is committed to programs that benefit residents, staff, and community. We are particularly committed to providing experiences to area students that may catapult them into careers in geriatric health care – a field that is sorely understaffed, but will only be more needed and important in the years to come.

As a first step in this process, the Foundation was proud to sponsor two booths at Future Quest. Future Quest is a fun way to get kids thinking early about possible career paths and a wonderful way for Capitol Lakes to promote the opportunities that exist here both in direct care for residents as well as in other areas that are essential to running a successful continuing care retirement community – like food services.

Our booths were a big hit! We gave away over 2,000 cream puffs and talked to over 1,000 students about careers in geriatric health care.

We are excited about the work we can do together to benefit both residents and area students.

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